Statics Vs Dynamics: Definition, Types, Differences

In this article, you will learn Statics and Dynamics. In which we will cover their definition, types, and differences.

Statics and Dynamics is one of the types of engineering mechanics.

Engineering mechanics is the branch of engineering science that deals with the principles of mechanics along with their applications to engineering problems.

The study of Statics and Dynamics is the basis for much of engineering. Along with a class called strength of materials, which deals with the mechanics of the materials used in the machine, building, etc.

So without wasting time let's get started.

Definition of Engineering Mechanics

Engineering mechanics can be defined as the branch of science that deals with the body when it is in motion or at rest.

When studying the behavior of solid bodies under the application of forces and mechanics is applied in solving engineering problems, then it is termed, solid mechanics.

Based on the state of the object means solid mechanics, engineering mechanics can be divided into two types:
  • Statics
  • Dynamics

What is Statics?

It is the branch of engineering mechanics that deals with the forces and their effects while the body is at rest condition.

Statics is concerned with the analysis of loads on an object that does not experience acceleration means it doesn't move.

For Example, As we know

F = m.a


F = Force 

m = Mass 
a = Acceleration

Now, if the acceleration is 0, then the force must be equal to zero, but if there is a force on the object then how can it be.

As we know from Newton's third law, every force has an equal and opposite force, so it means that the sum of the forces must be 0.

What is Dynamics?

It is the branch of engineering mechanics that deals with force and its effect while the body is in motion.

Dynamics is concerned with the motion of bodies, when forces are applied to those bodies, they will move.

For Example, As we know

F = m.a


F = Force 

m = Mass 
a = Acceleration

Which deals with inertia, resistance to motion, acceleration, momentum, etc.

Dynamics can be divided into two types:
  • Kinematics
  • Kinetics


It is the branch of dynamics that deals with the motion of the bodies without considering the forces responsible for motion.


It is the branch of dynamics that deals with the forces that cause the motion of the bodies.

Statics vs Dynamics

There are the following differences between statics and dynamics:

Statics vs Dynamics

Statics Dynamics
Statics deals with stationary objects such as buildings, bridges, towers, etc. Dynamics deals with things in motion such as moving cars, planes, trains, etc.
A civil engineer deals with statics a lot more. They design buildings, bridges, roads, etc which do not move. In fact, in civil engineering, if something moves it is a failure! That is how failure is defined as a movement.  A mechanical engineer deals with dynamics a lot more. They design machines, mechanisms, and things with moving parts such as levers, pulleys, etc. They want things to move and design them accordingly.
It Deals with the forces and their effects while acting upon the bodies at rest. For example the body at rest and forces and effects acting on it. It deals with the forces and their effects while acting upon the bodies in motion. For example, any body moving and forces and effects acting on it.

FAQ for Statics vs Dynamics

What is the difference between statics, dynamics, kinematics, and kinetics?

Statics is a branch of engineering that deals with the analysis of forces and moments in structures and machines that are at rest or in equilibrium. It is concerned with understanding the forces acting on a system and how they are balanced, in order to determine the stability and behavior of the system.

Dynamics is a branch of engineering that deals with the study of motion and its causes. It is concerned with the forces that cause motion, as well as the effects of motion on bodies and systems.

Kinematics is a branch of dynamics that deals with the motion of objects without considering the forces that cause the motion. It is concerned with understanding the position, velocity, and acceleration of moving objects, and how these quantities change over time.

Kinetics is a branch of dynamics that deals with the forces that cause motion. It is concerned with understanding the forces acting on a moving object and how they affect the object's motion.

These four branches of engineering are all related, but they focus on different aspects of the behavior and motion of systems. Statics and dynamics are both concerned with the behavior of systems, but statics deal with systems at rest or in equilibrium, while dynamics deals with systems in motion. Kinematics and kinetics are both concerned with the motion of objects, but kinematics focuses on the motion itself, while kinetics focuses on the forces that cause the motion.

What is the difference between dynamics and kinetics?

Dynamics is the study of the motion of objects, and the forces that cause the motion. It is concerned with the causes of motion and the effects that motion has on the objects involved.

Kinetics is the study of the relationship between the motion of objects and the forces that cause the motion. It is concerned with how the motion of an object is affected by the forces acting upon it, and how those forces are related to the object's mass, velocity, and acceleration.

In other words, dynamics deals with the causes of motion, while kinetics deals with the effects of those causes on the motion of an object.

Do civil engineers use statics?

Yes, civil engineers often use statics in their work. Statics is a branch of engineering that deals with the analysis of forces and moments in structures and machines. 

Civil engineers use statics to design and analyze the behavior of structures such as buildings, bridges, and towers, as well as other types of infrastructure such as roads, tunnels, and water treatment plants. 

They use the principles of statics to ensure that the structures they design are safe, stable, and able to withstand the loads and forces that will be applied to them.

What is the concept of dynamics?

Dynamics is a branch of engineering that deals with the study of motion and its causes. It is concerned with the forces that cause motion, as well as the effects of motion on bodies and systems. 

Dynamics are used to analyze and predict the behavior of moving objects, including the forces and accelerations that are involved. 

It is a key concept in fields such as mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, and civil engineering, where the motion of objects is an important factor in the design and operation of systems. 

Dynamics can be studied at different levels of complexity, from simple systems with only a few moving parts, to complex systems involving many interacting components.

So here you have to know all aspects related to the Statics and Dynamics. If you have any doubts then you are free to ask me by mail or on the contact us page.

Thank You.

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